
Found 10 results containing the words:Hart Scientific
  • Temperature Calibration and Repair Services

    IntroductionFluke Calibration provides calibration and repair services for the former Hart Scientific line of temperature calibration equipment. Calibration and repair services for baths and industrial calibrators are provided in Everett, Washington, while digital thermometer readouts, 4180 and 4181 infrared calibrators, temperature probes (SPRTs, PRTs, thermistors, reference thermocouples) and other reference standards are calibrated and serviced in American Fork, Utah.Complete an online request...

  • DH Instruments (DHI), Ruska Instruments, Pressurements and the Fluke Calibration brand

    Ruska Instruments, founded in 1944 in Houston, Texas, grew from a small manufacturer of PVT (pressure, volume, temperature) instrumentation to a leading global manufacturer of precision laboratory pressure instrumentation.  Its deep tradition of pressure metrology makes it a household name in National Metrology Institutes and in other worldwide organizations with demanding pressure calibration needs.  The Ruska brand features primary pressure standards, transfer standards, air data test sets, accessories,...

  • Hart Scientific Temperature Calibration

    Hart Scientific temperature calibration is part of Fluke CalibrationHart Scientific has been a member of the metrology community for over 30 years. Now, under the Fluke Calibration name, it continues to be a leading manufacturer of temperature calibration and measurement equipment. Our experience in temperature calibration goes back 30 plus years and, as Fluke Calibration, we will still be here 30 years from now.Our customers include metrologists, engineers, technicians, researchers, and quality...

  • 福禄克计量校准部

    福禄克计量校准部(Fluke Calibration)涉及电学、无线电、温度、压力、流量等精密测量计量校准领域。 福禄克计量校准部是隶属于创建于1948年福禄克公司下的一个部门。福禄克公司生产的计量校准产品遍布于全球各地的校准实验室中,其中包括国家级计量机构,这些机构需要提供强大的技术支持,其仪器设备要求具有高精度等级以及性能良好和可靠性。 随着2000年初对WavetekWandellGoltermann公司高精度测量仪器部门的并购,福禄克进一步加强了在电学校准市场中的地位。随后,福禄克公司又在2002年收购...

  • 5640 系列标准热敏电阻

    5640 系列标准热敏电阻拥有优异的准确度及稳定性。准确度高达±0.001℃,在0到962℃范围内仅为0.15℃。

  • COMPASS Example Set Up Database

    COMPASS Example Set Up Database (.mdb)About COMPASS ExamplesCOMPASS examples are existing setups that are used as a guide to help add a new device to COMPASS.  There are 2 types of examples: those that appear directly in the DUT and/or Support Device Editors and those that do not.  Only a few examples are visible in the device editors.  This is in an attempt to minimize the confusion between various COMPASS setups.  The majority of the COMPASS examples are not directly visible to the user. ...

  • 1524 参考测温仪


  • 1523 参考测温仪

